Monday 3 December 2012

Writing about writing

So I've been trying to post at least every other day to get in the habit of posting regularly.  It's mostly been working.

Today, though, I don't really have any ideas about what to write, so I'm going to go meta again and write about not having anything to write about.  The problem is, about al there is to say about not having anything to write is "I don't really have anything to write today" and I've said that now.

Wow, already I've written more about this than I really expected.  Trying to hold off this post's inevitable descent into randomly shouting words into the wilderness that is the unread corners of the blogosphere has been easier than I expected.  Much easier.

I have heard that the way to overcome writer's block is to just start writing and keep going, don't worry about what you're writing just make sure your pen (or keyboard) doesn't stop.  I always thought it was an interesting theory, switching off the censor and letting the creative side just play in the vast expanse of the mind.  The problem with this is that you need a starting point, like a sentence to finish or a topic that you need to try and start from and I keep not managing to have time to put a list of these starting points together.  I don't know how I'm going to go about it but I figure at some point (probably after America) I will make an effort to add something to a list every day, possibly I'll do it on this blog - one of those blog every day things.  If I do that it probably won't be for a while because I'm still getting used to blogging.

Well I figure that's a pretty good effort, about 300 words written about writer's block because of writer's block without resorting to LOUD NOISES or something.  I'm pleased with that effort, I hope anyone out there who actually reads this is too.

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