Friday 21 December 2012

End of Days

Well we're most of the way through the day and it hasn't rained fire yet, I haven't seen any large groups of people suddenly collapse in the street or anything like that either.  That said we're still not completely safe, after all at least half the various things that could kill us all are most active after dark.

This is why it is still important to have your last words ready.  Face it, no one wants to have it recorded that they said "Does anyone else smell that?" or "Duck? Where?" right before they expired, particularly when you consider some of the other gems that people have managed:
"Friends applaud, the comedy is over." - Ludwig van Beethoven
"Such is Life." - Ned Kelly
"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." - Karl Marx
"Et tu, Brute?" - Julius Caesar
"Either that wallpaper goes, or I do." - Oscar Wilde
"If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

So anyone who wants their final words to be passed down through the generations needs to have something pretty awesome locked in.  Personally I'm not sure whether I want something witty, ironic or inspiring.  I reckon for the apocalypse something along the lines of "We go, so that a better world may begin." is probably appropriate, but it would probably make me sound poncy and up myself or something.  "Of course!"  also has a certain appeal, as does "It's all buried at the lake." but both of these will be particularly awkward if I don't die on schedule so they're probably out as well.  My only other idea at this point is "That I was not expecting." so clearly I need help.

I'm stumped, so I'm asking what you think I should make my last words?  And what is it that makes good last words anyway?

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