Sunday 30 December 2012

Les Misérables - Not in need of improvement

So I went to see Les Misérables today, and as everyone else seems to be doing it as well, I figured I'd post about it.

I thought the film was fantastic, and this is from someone who has not only seen it live but also watched the 10th and 25th anniversary concerts more than is probably healthy.  I felt it was a terrifically engaging story that was particularly faithful to the source material, that said it was not without its problems.  Here are some of the highlights and lowlights of my Les Mis experience.

Hugh Jackman.  Someone, I can't remember who, once told me that the reason he is so fantastic is that he proves that you can be Wolverine and Peter Allen and absolutely rock them both.  I think there are elements of both in this one part.

Russell Crowe.  Even though I think he missed the mark with Stars, I just couldn't get over how well he did with the song on the bridge (I think it is maybe best not to name the song because, well, spoilers).  Overall, I saw in his face the justice that he carried out, but in his voice I heard the purity which he felt as he did.

Samantha Barks.  I can't help it, I tear up in A Little Fall of Rain every time in the 25th anniversary concert and this was no different.  Actually, I think at this point I should just say the entire cast was a highlight: Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, all fantastic, ok enough now.

I did not like, however, the ridiculous number of close ups on faces while singing.  I like your work Tom Hooper, but if you don't know what to do with your camera during a musical soliloquy then maybe Les Mis isn't actually for you.  Nor did I like the anachronistic Eiffel Towers on the flags that they were waving around in a couple of scenes - When your film is set in 1815-1832, try not to include an image of a building not erected until 1889.

I also did not like Suddenly.  Why did they feel the need to put that song in the film?  It didn't gel with the rest of the music and completely took me out of the moment.  Did they think it would improve the musical or did they just get bored and decide to screw with people's heads?  I would have much preferred to see some more character development for Grantaire, maybe put the other verses of Drink With Me in instead.

Finally, for a two and a half hour film, I did not appreciate sitting through almost three quarters of an hour worth of ads.  That's over three hours of sitting in the one place, if I get deep vein thrombosis after my trip to America I'm not blaming the airline I'm blaming Val Morgan.

On the whole I thoroughly enjoyed the film.  I was going to include pictures and maybe a clip from YouTube but my computer is throwing a hissy fit so no snazzy and awesome looking blog post for you.

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