Saturday 22 December 2012

End of Days continued

So I woke up this morning thinking that I managed to survive the apocalypse, but then I remembered the Mayans lived in Mesoamerica so there's still two or three hours left for world the world to end, or almost seven hours if we're waiting for it the day to be over worldwide.

This time I'm going to explain what I think needs to survive the apocalypse.  After all, something needs to be the basis for the reconstruction of society.  For each section I'm selecting three, because that would not be unreasonable to manage to store somewhere and can provide a more in depth snapshot of society.

Play:  Hamlet, because face it at least one of Shakespeare's works must survive.  Also Pippin and Les Misérables because given the choice I'd take a musical almost every time.

TV:  This is a bit of a challenge but Scrubs, Firefly and Gilmore Girls which probably has the most balance between genres of all these categories.

Book:  I think that if I had to save anything I would save the Lord of the Rings trilogy (which I'm counting as a single book because I own it bound as such) by J R R Tolkien, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston.  That said this was a hard one because there are so many genres and types of book unrepresented here, I would also like to save, for example, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, but alas, it will be lost if only three books in the entire world, chosen by me, are to survive.

Film:  De-LovelyThe Blues Brothers and Back to the Future.  If I can have the trilogy I'll take it, but I'm guessing I was already pushing my luck with the Lord of the Rings loophole.

Music:  By this I mean entire albums. Natural Selection by Hunters and Collectors, Desireless by Eagle Eye Cherry and A Night at the Opera by Queen.  There should probably be some female representation in here as well, though, so maybe replace Desireless with Missy Higgins's The Sound of White.

There you have it, my choices for what to save if the world ends.  Obviously this is a very subjective list and I'd love to hear what you think is worth saving and if there is anything here that you'd be happy to see disappear forever.

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