Saturday 17 November 2012

Why be a Librarian?

I was asked again today why I'm studying to be a librarian.  It seems that people don't think you're cut out to be a librarian unless you look like this:
From lolbrarian, seriously check it out.

This got me wondering how librarians have such a bad rap for most people, because when I think of librarians in popular culture I think of:
Barbara Gordon, librarian.  Source

Rupert Giles, librarian.  Source

Ezekiel of the Dark Angels, librarian.  Source

An Orangutan, librarian.  Source

Something all these characters have in common is that they are particularly competent characters, who not only have vast intellects but can easily find out new information as the situation requires.  The orangutan can even cross dimensional barriers using nothing more than his mad librarian skillz!

I know that there are some other librarians with less than stellar reputations and appearances, think Sophie's Choice for one, but on the whole it seems fictional librarians are helpful, caring and generally useful people who do their best to be, if not the heroes the at least the good guys.

I can't really understand this stereotype spawning from real life either, because the librarians I have been in contact with (and as a library student I have some considerable contact with librarians) have almost without fail been cheerful, connected, competent and friendly.  Rarely have I found someone in this profession who is not interested in helping others and I don't think I've ever actually seen a librarian with a tight bun or tweed suit.

Essentially what I'm saying is that I want to be a librarian because LIBRARIANS ARE AWESOME!!!

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