Saturday 10 November 2012

Enough to be going on with

So, with one post down which explained virtually nothing about me or my blog, despite being all about me blogging.  I thought I'd dedicate this post to some kind of (probably half-assed) explanation of these topics.

First, me.  I am a person of the male persuasion from sunny Melbourne, Australia, for those of you who know Melbourne I say sunny because for at least five minutes now the sun has been out and as this is surely some sort of record for consistent weather I hereby add the appropriate epithet.  I am studying a masters in Information Management (librarianship for all you laymen (and laywomen? although that sounds vaguely sexist for some reason... (also, yay for nesting brackets!))) which actually has a hope of finding me a job unlike my BA in creative writing and media studies and honours in adaptation studies.

I have many interests including Doctor Who, Star Trek, using big and unusual words, musical theatre anything by Joss Whedon and reading (yes jsut reading, although I have favoured authors I felt it was unfair to my overall love of the printed word to single anyone out).  This is by no means a complete list of things that interest me, but its probably enough to be going on with.  Oh, also pirates.

Second, blog.  I think I might actually have said this last post, but I don't really know what I'm going to put here except that consistency between posts is unlikely and I make no apologies for changing opinions from one post to the next (I know weird for a blog, right?).

There is no intended theme for ths blog except my strange ramblings but that isn't to say that one won't develop in future. Stay tuned for further developments as they occur and refer to the previous paragraph on apologies for details about this.

Third, me blogging.  Ok, the majority of what I know of internet culture comes from the film Hackers and what has generally passed into everyday offline, face to face parlance.  That and Lolcats.  So to sum this up my knowledge of the interwebs esstially consists of the knowledge that animated gifs are:
Shamlessly stolen from A Quick Sucession of Busy Nothings

So there is my first animated gif, my first Tom Hiddleston reference and my first acknowledgement of another blogger, all in my second post.  I seem to be clocking this game!

As a final note to leave you with I was planning on labelling all my various references, both to pop culture and other, but I figured that would result in a ridiculous cloud with little relevance to anything.  So I won't, I will instead only label what I deem to be sufficiently well covered in a post to be noteworthy based on my mood at the time of posting.

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