Friday 8 February 2013

Maybe I'll turn into Spiderman!

Well today I woke up covered in spider bites and discovered that sometime while I'd been in America and my mattress wasn't getting disturbed every night, some spiders had decided to take up residence therein.  So that was a fun start to the day.

And, of course, it just got better from there because then I had to deal with the issues related to this such as cleaning all my bedclothes and pesticiding my mattress (and yes, pesticiding is a real word... now!).

This has resulted in another day of procrastination from all the get-back-into-a-normal-routine-after-the-international-trip work I've been meaning to do since Monday.  Instead of doing anything useful like actually get started on the uni stuff I should be focusing on, I've been lying on the couch whining and generally wallowing in self-pity which my family has graciously put up with as they clearly weren't doing enough to stop spiders from setting up home in my mattress in the first place.

The only problem with this turn of events is that I feel guilty to myself.  Well, when I say the only problem, I mean apart from the itching across maybe 80% of my body, the fact that I currently look like some sort of retarded dalmatian with all the calamine lotion dabbed liberally on the various bite marks, and the fear that the same thing will happen again tonight.

The guilt to myself is because I know I should be starting all the get back into the swing of things stuff but three days later I still haven't done anything about it.  I feel like I've let myself down by taking the time to a) relax and b) get over the more pressing issues which have cropped up.  I am well aware that this is not sensible because I need the time to sort everything out, but that doesn't stop me from giving myself a hard time about it.

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