Wednesday 6 February 2013

Home Sweet Home

So I'm home again, and it feels good to be back.  Not that I didn't enjoy myself in America but as Twoflower said in The Light Fantastic, "You haven't really been anywhere until you've got back home."

Well I'm back home now and will be sharing my first experience of international travel with you all soon, but I have to recover first and focus on getting back into gear for uni this semester.  I swear I will get stuff posted soon though.

For now, I shall provide you all with a set of reasons why I'm happy to be home:

My family, as much as I get annoyed with them occasionally they're still my family and I haven't been away from all of them for over a month before.  Whenever I was in a museum or gallery I kept wanting to turn to one of them to say something about the exhibit in front of me and they weren't there, but mostly I didn't realise how much I'd missed them until I got back.

Eucalypts, everything in the USA smelt slightly wrong and it took me a while to realise that it was lack of eucalyptus scent in the air.  Walking near my house yesterday everything just smelt like home.

Internet, as much as I did have internet access after my computer was fixed, the access could best be described as intermittent, unreliable and frustratingly slow.  I had so much trouble with it that I was barely checking my emails and communication from back home.  This may seem odd, but I was informed that in New Orleans all internet connections were stuffed up because of all the work to set up for the Superbowl and in LA several of the internet providers, including the one for my hotel were having fairly major issues with connection.

The internet thing has been kind of good too, though, because I've been able to relax for a couple of days just catching up on everything in my reader.  This has been a great way to avoid doing things like unpack or actually start my assignments while I recover from the jetlag I've had - which mainly consists of waking up at 3am and not being able to get back to sleep, no matter how tired I still am.

Anyway that's why I'm happy to be home, and posts about the trip are coming at some point but for now I'm eating vegemite and reading blogs and generally enjoying being home again.

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