Wednesday 27 March 2013

Posting and Postponing

I feel bad because I haven't updated this blog in a while - not because I pretend I have any loyal following that will be even remotely upset by my not posting but because I enjoy writing these posts and the fact that I haven't been posting indicates that I haven't been putting enough effort into doing things that give me enjoyment recently.

That said, the assignment I've recently been doing has been really interesting and fun.  I guess, in contrast to the previous paragraph, what I've been doing hasn't been neglecting to enjoy myself but neglecting to balance the aspects of my life.  Essentially, everything I have done lately has been geared towards university work but be confident that is going to change now that I've finished the summer semester work and can get back into a  more normal routine.

The other problem I've been having is that even though I've had many ideas for blog posts, I keep forgetting them by the time I'm set up to write a post.  I suppose that at some point I'll have to admit that my memory isn't all that great and start writing down prompts for myself but I've been putting that off as well.

The moral of the story is, I suppose, that I need to stop focusing on my uni work to the exclusion of everything else - apart from anything else, it leaves me feeling drained and I'm not feeling like getting out of bed in the morning.  Expect more posts again from me soon.  Hopefully I'll remember my inspiration so there will be more to them than there was to this one.

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